5 Amazing Mobile Gaming Statistics

At Zarzilla, we all love games! We all love gaming – everything about it. Step into the Zarzilla office and you’ll most likely hear heated debates not just about our favourite games but about the ins and outs of this exciting industry.

The mobile gaming industry amazes us every day and motivates us to keep making the most fun and social games for your enjoyment. Check out these surprising mobile gaming statistics for 2021.

1.     There will be almost 3 billion global mobile gamers by the end of the year. 

Mobile gaming is not just about hardcore gamers. In fact, it appears we all play games! The mobile gaming industry has expanded into so many different genres, it is of no surprise that almost everyone can find something to play.

2.     Mobile gaming accounts for more than half of global gaming revenues.

That’s right! It’s not console gamers or PC gamers – Mobile gaming is the biggest earner in the industry. In 2019, mobile gaming accounted for 51% of the industries $152 billion dollars.

3.     Casual games rule them all!


At a staggering 58%, casual games are the most popular mobile gaming genre. No surprise there – with games like Gin Rummy Super offering simple game mechanics and fast-action gameplay. Considering more than half of mobile gamers are over the age of 34, one can see why classic card games like solitaire, poker, and gin rummy are so popular.


Casual and card gamers are loyal and dedicated too! With a high stickiness and the longest average session lengths of any other genre, casual card players clearly know what they like!

4.     Not Just for the Young

Many developers miss this little fact. 55% of gamers are around 55 years old. In fact, only 8% of mobile gamers are teenagers. Games are really not just for kids anymore and developers should really consider the full scope of their audience.

5.     We Like to Play in the Bathroom


Seriously – apparently so. According to a study at MediaPost, more than 50% of gamers play mobile games in the bathroom. That means when you defeat a worthy rival in a game of Gin Rummy Super, they may be playing in the bath… but hey you may very well be celebrating in the bath too!


Mobile Games for Everyone

If these mind-blowing statistics tell us anything, it is that mobile gaming is here to stay and that mobile gaming is for everyone – young or old, rich or poor. Among the best of social card games, is Gin Rummy Super – standing tall among the mountain of choices, Zarzilla’s rummy title provides the fastest, most social, and truly global card game experience.

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